Fredrik Nygård Carlsen

Fredrik Carlsen - - Lazyness Python Generators
Fredrik Carlsen

Software Engineer at Yahoo!
[email protected]

Lazyness Python Generators

Published 05 Jul 2014

In Python we can iterate any iterable easy with a for in loop.

for x in list:

Usually we iterate through lists, for example [1,2,3]

for x in [1,2,3]:

We can generate new lists easily by using range(0,limit)

for x in range(0,10):

But what if the list is very large, what if you don’t really need the entire list.. It would be unnecessary to create the entire list up front. In Python we can use generators to make a partial list, xrange is a brilliant example of this. If we loop trough a xrange, instead for range, we don’t create the entire list up front, we only keep track of the “next” element in the list. The syntax is the same, the difference is that xrange will only evaluate the next element, so if we want to break the loop on a condition, we don’t waste memory.

for x in xrange(0,10):
    if(do_something(x)) == "done":

But the real power comes when you create your own generators, it is very easy. This is a implementation of xrange.

def generator(start, stop):
    x = start
    while x<stop:
        yield x

for x in generator(0,10):
    if(do_something(x)) == "done":

The fibonacci sequence as a generator function.

import itertools
import time

def fibonacci_sequence():
    a = 0
    b = 1

    while True:
        yield a
        a, b = a + b, a

#Convert the generator to a list, get last element, very slow!
def get_nth_fibonacci_number_sliced(n):
    return list(itertools.islice(fibonacci_sequence(), n))[-1]

t = time.time()
print time.time() - t
"Output: 47.5731070042"

#Using enumerate, faster!
def get_nth_fibonacci_number(n):
    for index, fib in enumerate(fibonacci_sequence()):
        if index == n:
            return fib

t = time.time()
print time.time() - t
"Output: 2.75447893143"
By Fredrik Carlsen